Your love; it's soul captivating <3

counting: progress on sch hol homework: zilch. filch. nilch.

was just thinking and have came to the conclusion that will not spend anymore money for the rest of the holidays. yep. to date, have watched 3 movies (and still itching to watch more) bought 1 op shirt, 1 red arena bottle, 3 books, some earrings.. and numerous more small little things that are lost in my room now. it's like i've turned into some shopaholic after the exams and am thinking this is no good thing. what i really need to buy now is more brain cells to get me thru exactly one more yr and will be so out of singapore before u can say whatthe____? yep. just a measly 365 more days or less. can make it. am starting to smile just thinking of it. am not making sense as usual but am sure noone minds.

*slaps self back to reality*

oh. but just rmbed will be leaving for malacca on friday so cant keep my promise not to shop anymore. crap. and there's xmas presents to settle too! not to mention vandepuut's very very belated bdae present. ooops.

hmm. this will be gd time to start thinking of my xmas wishlist, yes? :)

go to, then; your considerate stone.
5:56 PM

(no title, cant think of suitable one)
counting: none for today

changed the backqround music again, now it's new found glory: that thing you do. i changed the bg picture too in case u havent noticed! :) had so much time on my hands i decided to do some new ones. i liked the prev orange cow one better but this one is appropriate to the season so.. XD

really really really cant wait for christmas!

go to, then; your considerate stone.
6:41 PM

counting: i might be bored enough to start counting my hair soon. :/

hey peeps! i'm still alive! haha. alive but rotting. cause i'm so darn bored at home. :S

5 most horrible places to be during the holidays

  1. home
  2. home
  3. home
  4. school
  5. anywhere w/o my friends.

haha. at least i still have my sense of humor. XD

it's times like this when i have nothing to do at home (except for watching meaningless and uninteresting TV shows or reading story books) that i wish year end hols wasnt so loong. (cue for u to start throwing tomatoes at the moniter if u disagree). :/
seriously. at the end of the hols i'll have rotted till all that's left is a pathetic lump of bones and lard in front of the tv. eeeww.
dun really have anything interesting to talk about since i havent actually done anything even vaguely interesting. after my trip to malacca later i'll prolly have more to say. so till then (or at least till when i got sth to blog about), au revoir!

    go to, then; your considerate stone.
    11:30 AM

    counting: none for today

    just here to say i'm still alive. hahaha! am at candice's house for rs. damn sian. nth to do cause we are all slacking.. haish. ok. gotta go for now. ciao!

    haiya. still nth to do. so shall update on the last few days. urm. let's see..

    1. netball carn. it is now official, the most disorganised tchrs (other than the lit tchrs) are now the pe tchrs. they suck. i cant even describe how much. >.<>
    2. some blind psn scared the hell out of me cause i was like just stnading at the traffic light at j8 after nball carn and this supposedly blind guy suddenly came and grabbed my hand. then he was like gripping my hand tightly and saying,"help me across the road ok?"

    .. will blog some othe rday.

    go to, then; your considerate stone.
    11:43 AM
    Et toutes mes peines
    Child of God. 12th July 1989. RjcanYeist! 1/2 of Pundits of Pun. TIME Person of the Year 2006 ;) Orange! B&J's Chunky Monkey! Dark chocolates! Sleeping in on rainy days! Attention span of 600 goldfishes.

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